Landlord Law Blog Roundup for March 2024

Here are all our blog posts for March.

Friday 1st March

Landlord Law Newsround #329

Our first Newsround of March

Friday 8th March

Landlord Law Newsround #330

Our look into the housing news this week.

Monday 11th March

An interview with Kate Faulkner Part 6

Listen to the final part of my interview with Kate

Can my landlord give me 28 days notice to increase my rent?

This was a question asked via my Blog Clinic from a tenant

Friday 15th March

Landlord Law Newsround #331

Weekly housing news updates direct to your email

Monday 18th March

Do people living in HMOs have licenses or tenancies?

Another question asked via my Blog Clinic

Thursday 21st March

How can I check that my landlord has protected my deposit?

Read my blog post on everything you need to know about deposits

Friday 22nd March

Landlord Law Newsround #332

We bring you the latest housing news direct to your inbox

Can landlords enter their rented properties even if their tenants don’t want them to?

Do you know your rights as a landlord? Read my blog to find out

Thursday 28th March

An interview with Robin Stewart of Anthony Gold – Part 1

An excerpt from my podcast with senior solicitor Robin Stewart where we discuss the RRB


Further Reading

Landlord Law News Blog

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The post Landlord Law Blog Roundup for March 2024 appeared first on The Landlord Law Blog.





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